The anti-gay faction finds it difficult to live with this loss. The vocal leaders of the faction feel that the denomination's collective decision is unbiblical, unethical, and violates two thousand years of tradition. They also feel that this vote is only the tip of the iceberg. It offers only further proof that there is something fundamentally "wrong" with the PC(USA) that cannot be fixed. They now realize that it is futile to go on fighting political and legislative battles. Something new has to happen.

One thing rings true throughout the commentary on the Minneapolis meeting, namely that the evangelical wing itself is far from unified. Some intend to stay in the PC(USA) whatever, some are going to leave whatever, but many are not sure exactly what to do. Recognizing this diversity, the FOP organizers are proposing four evangelical alternatives. They suggest that some will want to continue to witness in their presbyteries. They feel "safe" in their current situation as is. Some will want to organize separate presbyteries of like-minded evangelicals. Some will want to form separate structures of ministry within their presbyteries. Finally, some will opt out entirely. In all of these cases, the FOP leadership aspires to create FOP to be a "new reformed body" (NRB), which can serve as a new denomination for some and an umbrella group for others. It is even proposed that some PC(USA) churches might be affiliate members of one body and full members of the other. It has to be said that the dominant public voice of the Minneapolis consultations was largely not in favor of choice one, that is to go on going on. The clear preference was a greater or lesser degree of separation from PC(USA).
FOP adherents believe there is something seriously wrong with the denomination. Many of them feel that it has lost its theological underpinnings and forsaken a consistent orthodox adherence to the Bible. Frankly, the progressive wing of the church has taken over, and while the FOP leadership doesn't want to engage in name-calling and judgmental rhetoric, it is clear that they believe that the progressives are taking the church in a direction that is not faithful to Christ or scripture. They blame the liberals for the statistical and spiritual decline of the denomination, referring repeatedly to the continuing loss of membership as a clear sign of failure—and a loss of God's favor. The FOP wants to be, in contrast, a movement that is evangelical, orthodox, truly Reformed, and morally sound. Its founders envision the fellowship as a "missional" movement that emphasizes the local church and developing local leadership. They want to keep it from becoming centralized and bureaucratic, which is how they view PC(USA) today.
So, again, the question in Minneapolis was one of putting flesh on the bare bones of these hopes and dreams. There was, however, one decision was not left to the folks meeting in August. The FOP coordinating group had already decided to call what it labels a "constitutional convention" in January in Orlando, Florida. The group has, it says, laid the legal groundwork for transforming the "empty warehouse" of FOP into a denomination. The Orlando meeting is also a time when the FOP leaders can prepare overtures for the 2012 General Assembly, which meets in Pittsburgh. The plan seems to be to create a dual structure for FOP, as a full denomination for some churches and a shadow denomination for others—to allow some evangelical churches to separate from PC(USA) entirely and others to live a separate life within the denomination.
For those of us who identify with the progressive wing of the Presbyterian Church, what do we make of all of this?
To be honest, if feels like more of the same 'ole, same 'ole. The fundamental issue has always been that evangelicals invest themselves in their doctrines in a way that progressives do not, and there lies a chasm across which we do not seem able to communicate or even reach out to each other. Each side is sincere (well, mostly) in their understanding of the faith, but as one FOP participant put it, both sides use the same words but they mean different things by them. Our evangelical brothers and sisters cannot abide the fact that, as a rule, progressives don't believe in an exclusive gospel or that there is a set of essential doctrines upon which our salvation hinges. Progressives tend to believe in a universal salvation, and evangelicals most certainly do not—as a rule. As another participant put it, where liberals view homosexual ordination as a matter of liberation, conservatives mostly see it as caving in to the values of the world. Evangelicals tend toward literal readings of the Bible; progressives do not. The list of fundamental differences that apparently cannot be reconciled goes on and on.
If the history of the Presbyterian Church since the 1870s is any witness, these basic differences are not going to be reconciled in our generation any more than they have been in previous ones. If anything, we're getting worse at compromise and reconciliation, not better. In this regard, it is worth noting the different strategy these two wings of the church use to gain their ends. Both want a more Christ-like church, according to their understanding of what that means. Liberals tend to stick with the church, pushing and prodding it to change. Since they don't believe in a "pure church" or that their salvation depends on a doctrinally correct church, they see no need to leave—unless, of course, they eventually get discouraged and give up on the church entirely. Especially since the 1960s, evangelical Presbyterians have chosen a different strategy. They reform the church by leaving it to establish (or join) purer, orthodox, "Bible-based" denominations. Progressives stay. Evangelicals leave. Each side does so, seeking a more Christ-like church.
Now, to be fair, many evangelical Presbyterians have stayed with PC(USA) in hopes of its reformation as a more Christ-like denomination, and evidently many of those who attended the Minneapolis convention intend to stay now. Some want to continue to witness to the larger denomination. Some feel secure in their situations and see no need to leave. But many others want, as stated above, some degree of separation from a denomination that they believe is in spiritual decline because it is becoming more and more liberal. It is, thus, a waste of time for progressives and moderates to plea for church unity, because a goodly number of our evangelical sisters and brothers believe that there are some things more important than unity. For them, calls for unity are little more than half-veiled demands to surrender.
All of this being the case, a progressive response could well start with a humble recognition that we have been just as ideological, just as intolerant, and just as insensitive as we think "they" have been. No one is innocent here. No one is without blame. Then, as a denomination, it seems best that we say, "We want you to stay, but we will not build degrees of separation into our constitution." That is, those who want separation need to find places outside of PC(USA) where they feel they can better serve Christ and go there—for their sakes and ours. They and we will both be weaker, less able to serve Christ in the ways we believe best, if we try to build into our denominational structures separate but equal spaces (presbyteries, committees) for evangelicals. Imagine the ongoing turf battles, the possibilities for misunderstanding and working against each other at cross purposes! It is sad to say this, but given the fundamental and evidently irreconcilable differences between many of us, it is better to recognize that we can't live together peacefully in the same house and in spite of our common faith in Christ and need to separate (as we've been doing for decades anyway).
There is at least one thing, however, that I personally confess that I don't understand. In the literature and reports coming out of Minneapolis, FOP's leaders repeatedly affirmed the ordination of women and the full and equal participation of women in the life of their churches. What I don't understand is this: a number of passages in the Bible clearly, unequivocally deny woman that status. Women are to be silent in the church and when they want to understand something they are to ask their husbands. Yet, the FOP challenges homosexuality and the ordination of homosexuals because these things are "against the Bible." So is ordaining women. And, truth be told, the scriptural warrant against homosexuality is weaker, in spite of all of the claims otherwise. The case against women is much stronger. Yet, evangelicals who accept the ordination of women have fought a massive rearguard action against ordaining homosexuals. It's as if there's something else going on here.
The emphasis in Minneapolis was on change, reform, new directions, and at least one document stated that FOP advocates "a radical change" in the way churches do business in the PC(USA) and/or in the proposed new reformed body. One of FOP's leaders stated, by way of contrast, that the fellowship's proponents would have felt more at home in the old PCUSA of the 1950s than they do in the PC(USA) of today. That is an astute observation, one that suggests that the "radical change" FOP proposes is retrograde change, change that would take the churches back in time to what is perceived to be a happier and more faithful time when Presbyterian churches grew almost as a matter of course. Now, of course, no one in the FOP movement actually thinks that they can go back or that it would be a good thing to do so, but the truth is that FOP wants to create conditions either in or outside of the denomination that virtually deny the long, difficult debate over homosexuality ever took place. They want to take the church back to the 1870s and erase the whole modernist-traditionalist controversy that has consumed Presbyterians lo these many generations. The change they seek is radically retrograde, and the simple fact is that the majority of Presbyterian leaders today are not willing to go back.
It is also ironic that the FOP in its quest for change seems to be pursuing the same old tactic Presbyterians have used for decades now—revamp, reorganize, rethink, and reconfigure the structures of the church. Change the structures. Set up alternative structures with new titles, new manuals, and new ways of doing things. So much of the constant restructuring the various Presbyterian denominations have gone through over the decades has been a waste of time and none of it has inspired more effective and faithful local church ministry. One would think that the best course would be for those churches who are seeking new missional direction to just get on with it instead of going through all of this organization stuff again. In the same manner, FOP plans to write a new statement of essentials, which will define clearly where it stands. So, as traditionalists, why not simply go back and reaffirm the Westminster Confession of Faith and get on with being missional churches?
The point is that underneath the entirely sincere calls for significant change one detects virtually no change at all.
And that is sad. In 2001, the 213th General Assembly established a "Theological Task Force on Peace,Unity,and Purity of the Church" with a mandate to develop and model a process for talking with each other across our theological differences. After five grueling, exciting years the task force of 20 individuals, representing all of the voices of the church, presented a final report, and members of the task force fanned out to presbyteries to sell it. One of them addressed a meeting of Lake Huron Presbytery, Michigan, while I was a member of that presbytery. He said that going into the process he had been a theological conservative and coming out of the process he remained a theological conservative, but with a difference. Over the course of long, intense discussions with progressive and homosexual Presbyterians, he came to understand that they "loved the Lord" just as much as he did. In particular, he said that he had changed his mind about homosexuality and the ordination of homosexuals. Behind the labels of "gay" and "homosexual" he discovered real people who professed a real faith. But, what impressed me the most in his presentation was his sad observation that since his change of heart other conservatives had come to consider him a traitor. He had sold out to the other side. He lost friends as a result.
After going on 150 years of bickering and fighting in the Presbyterian Church, the sad thing is that we have learned nothing. We continue to cripple the gospel with our divisions. And the truth is that some of those who trumpet their faith the loudest and cling to their doctrinal and moral standards most tightly bear at least as much responsibility as anyone else, if not more, for our failure to learn. FOP? NRB? It is just the same 'ole, same 'ole.